Thursday, February 21, 2008

oh and, almost forgot...the undercover why a blog

Alright, alright…so today, I didn’t get much response in my ministry. One sweet little lady wanted to invite me in for cookies…3 hours after I worked my butt off at the gym…no thank you, lady. LOL She was really sweet though. I have a thing for older people anyway, they have so much more to teach me…

So, finally, after much thought…and egging on from my friends who have blogs. I decided to put one up. I realize that I haven’t been good with keeping in touch with all of you, especially my Canada peeps (love you Logan!). So, every now and then…I’ll post something. I can’t guarantee it’ll be every day or even every week, but if I feel inspired and something awesome does happen. I can let you all in on it at once…deal? Good, glad we got that squared away.

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